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Showing posts from March, 2021

Stay or go home Covid reshapes thinking

 Over the past few weeks I have been in Mexico, largely for work, but also to escape the winters of Quebec that was, in 2020 brutal.  So far 2021 has proven to be less painful.  First off it was far less cold, yes there were days of -40 but only very few.  Canada's winter was mild if you consider that the great lakes remained largely ice-free the whole winter. Snow that was still 50 cm deep in April is nearly gone.  The roof of our house is entirely free of snow, and in fact, the property is sloppy but nothing compared to last year.  This winter appears to be mild, and normally we would consider leaving Mexico later next month to start opening the house for spring and summer. But our plans are now up in the air.  Although Air Canada has announced that it will resume flights to Cancun sometime in May, we can still fly via New York, the news on Covid in Canada is not good.  Quebec is seeing daily infection rates rising again, it had been falling sin...