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Showing posts from October, 2024

governing is choosing

 we were in London last night, enjoying dinner with friends acquaintances, and it turns out friends of friends who are not our friends. We were having dinner in a relatively well-known eatery in Soho when the friend of a friend starting talking about the greatness of the American healthcare system, needless to say this front of a friend is loaded. He thought that the NHS Was a tyranny and that the public sector was no good to provide healthcare The interesting commentary was that his only experience with healthcare was a boob job and a nose job for his daughter He had always been healthy, and therefore no experience of the healthcare system that didn’t stop them from having an opinion on everything The questions becomes Do you answer to such ad hominem attacks or do you let it go and leave early? That’s the question in the end we chose the Latter and went home early. My wife asked me why I didn’t Confront this hard I told her that I didn’t feel like getting to an argument with someone

The reinsurance market

 for nearly 200 Years the reinsurance market has been the place where regular insurance company have come to protect themselves again catastrophic events. In the last decade or two that market has proven to be harder and harder to be profitable Some very good friends. I’ve been involved in the market for over half a century. They have said they have not seen things as bad as they are today ever. Names are quitting the business right left and center. There is a seven year Exit window in the Lloyds insurance market. Names are quitting as they see that the last decade or so have generated no profits. The catastrophic weather destruction of the past few weeks in the United States are largely absorbed by The reinsurance market, And when the Payout exceeds premium by nearly 200% this is not a good business. Watching the destruction in North Carolina and today in Florida, just confirm what has been known for a long time that this is an insane market that is in and not an acceptable Risk.  The

The death of Twitter

 Twitter was never great. It was a place full of rumours innuendos and stupid stuff. However, it was still a place where experts were local people could exchange information that could be valuable was not always valuable but could be valuable. Twitter is no longer that first it’s called X and not Twitter anymore, but it seems to be only there to amplify the crazy thoughts The crazy talk and devoid of any useful purpose. When they only voice you hear in the public Square is fire fire fire you stop paying attention. The evidence is overwhelming that X Is something new but is it something anyone has any use for? The funny thing is how much of the Internet is now useless. Most news aggregators are full of nothing. The news is the headline and the headline is the news. There is no analysis. Nobody no thought clearly all produced by robots. All this is is to show that the Internet is finally growing up. Paywalls are back at full strength.  After years of not paying for the news, the news is

listening to Trump

I dare anyone to listen to any random speech given by Trump in the past two months to afterward things that this is a sane and coherent man. Never mind the fixation on Hannibal Lecter, or more recently the reenactment of the movie the purge the man makes no sense. It’s not one speech. It’s all of them which speaks the question or what basis are people supporting him? He has no policy on inflation, healthcare defense, except that he’ll make things better in terrible terrible world that’s his policy. He’s got a great idea and he’ll tell us as soon as he elected. It begs the question how can he be still so popular after being so insane? The only answer I can come up with is that there is a large fraction of the population that Is so angry with the establishment that they would like to elect someone who is completely crazy who would destroy everything and give them blank slate not really understanding of caring the implication of this.

Mexico has a new president

 Claudia Sheinbaum starts her term as president of Mexico today. She was selected by the outgoing president to replace him in his quest to make Mexico in the image of Venezuela. Some readers will believe that I’m exaggerating when I’m saying such a thing but I’m not that’s exactly what he has said in numerous speeches. in the past six years, the Mexican federal government has spent nearly $100 billion on vanity projects a new airport in Mexico City replacing a nearly completed airport a tourist train in the Yucatán for more than $20 billion. A refinery is still not operational despite being open for 18 months.  all this has come to the expense of the people who supported the most this is possibly the most amazing thing to witness. The people who got screwed the worse by the current Mexican administration are the ones that support him the most education legal reform, all issues that concerns, poor Mexicans the most have been basically ignored or defunded.  The new president challenge is