Thursday night Mrs Frozen in the North and I were driving back home from the office, the congestion was rather bad and so we deviated from our normal route to take an alternative route which took us up Peel Street in Montreal. For those not familiar with this street there are a few "Chi chi" restaurants and a surprisingly large number of toy cars (Ferrari, Mercedes AMG, etc), in front of us a little Korean import was having a hard time "waking up" to the fact that the light had turned green, so I flashed the guy, he was not offended, clearly his mind was elsewhere. He we driving distracted I presumed that he was talking on the phone or something, anyway because of his distraction we missed the green light at the next intersection. Once that light had turned green he was again driving distracted, and at one point started weaving a bit until he hit a parked car, and you guessed it he hit a beautiful black Ferrari... we didn't stick around to see how that turned out, since he hit the car in front of a rather "notorious" restaurant. Still it must have been an interesting conversation.
Second part is the insanity, Mrs FinN is an artist, not always the most practical person but she got great ideas. Next week there is artistic event globally to mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. Initially she was to make a Wall in here studio that people could break down. She's now decided that the wall will be more figurative, and so the wall will be made of pretzels. These will not the "american" pretzels these will be the German version, yep, the German version -- there about 4 inches across (the slightly smaller and thinner than a bagel), and get this, she's not buying the 140 pretzels, she's making them!
By the way do you know how many pretzel Mrs. FinN has baked in the past....ZERO. That should make for a fun weekend, and can just picture us Sunday night driving down back to Montreal will two green garbadge bags full of pretzels, cause you don't know Mrs. FinN like I do, no you don't because if she has to cook the pretzels for the next 48 hours straight she will do it!
Proof of insanity
P.S. Are you not amazed that Peel Street in Montreal has its own Wiki page?
Update: Should anybody be interested, by Sunday night, Mrs. FitN had made/cooked more than 50 prtezels...