In medieval times it was a common occurrence to salt (expensive stuff at the time) the land to deny the arriving armies the ability to live off the conquered land. Yesterday, in the Weekly Standard (a right-wing newspaper) it was suggested that if the Democrats won the mid-terms then Trump's agenda (what agenda?) would be stimmed and that he would turn his efforts are killing government as we (well the Americans) know it! Now The Weekly Standard is the kind of newspaper that will suggest that the whole Trump tower was engineered by Hillary Clinton and her numerous friends at the CIA and FBI to entrap Trump...Yeap that kind of crew! However, there is no doubt that Trump is the kind of guy who seeks out revenge. Its always been his operating model -- a bit like the Mafia: They mouth off, and you hit them with a baseball bat...Anyway, the suggestion is not as crazy as it sounds. Already the State Department has been gutted (maybe staff reduction ther...
Life of a Norfolk farmer