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What if Trump salts the field once he knows he's not getting re-elected?

In medieval times it was a common occurrence to salt (expensive stuff at the time) the land to deny the arriving armies the ability to live off the conquered land.   Yesterday, in the Weekly Standard (a right-wing newspaper) it was suggested that if the Democrats won the mid-terms then Trump's agenda (what agenda?) would be stimmed and that he would turn his efforts are killing government as we (well the Americans) know it!

Now The Weekly Standard is the kind of newspaper that will suggest that the whole Trump tower was engineered by Hillary Clinton and her numerous friends at the CIA and FBI to entrap Trump...Yeap that kind of crew! 

However, there is no doubt that Trump is the kind of guy who seeks out revenge.  Its always been his operating model -- a bit like the Mafia:  They mouth off, and you hit them with a baseball bat...Anyway, the suggestion is not as crazy as it sounds.  Already the State Department has been gutted (maybe staff reduction there was a good idea, but we will never know), it's clear now that major operations are taking place at the Veteran's Affaire bureau since a somewhat "secret" group has taken over the management.  The only parts of the government getting positive attention are Homeland Security and the department of defense. 

HHS, HUD, and Energy all look to be in trouble with massive cuts being planned at the Social Security.  Obviously, the Department of Energy is in charge of Nuclear energy in the country -- but that responsibility could be shifted to Homeland or Defense.  Education is already being gutted by DeVos and her friends.  Commerce is at the center of the Trade offensive that Trump has started against China, Canada, and Europe -- Tariffs that had been in free fall for years are on the rise again.  Agriculture and Interior are both very small departments and have little real impact. 

The facts are that the government only works when all three branches (legislative administration and Justice) are working in a system of check and balances; there is no doubt that the legislative cannot act against the administration with the upcoming November midterm elections (Trump is getting 90% approval amount GOP), these are the people who will choose who will run against the Democrats in November!  GOP Congressmen cannot go against their supporters wishes.

So the tools and individuals that could affect the salting of government are in place!  It is not impossible to think that by 2020 the US government could be completely dysfunctional


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