The list here is interesting insofar that Singapore three banks are all included (Five of Canada’s 6 largest are in the top 20). Switzerland’s two main banks are in the top 15. Interestingly, all these countries banking regulators share a common view of banking: Banks are utility, that are too big to fail, and therefore have to act cautiously. Granted, Canada has so far been extremely lucky, the commodity boom, and a very healthy housing market have been tremendously helpful to banks' balance sheet, and aside from Australia it is the only housing market where prices are higher today than they were in 2007. Bloomberg’s rating methodology may prove to be excessively beneficial for financial institutions that operate in small market, where retail deposits account for a higher percentage of their funding base. Still Canadians will take honors when they are given.
Canadian Banks Ranking
National Bank of Canada #3
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce #4
Toronto-Dominion #12
Royal Bank of Canada #17
Bank of Montreal #19
Bank of Nova Scotia (Below #20)
The first two banks are principally domestic – with very little foreign operation/revenues. Royal Bank of Canada is by far the largest, and Bank of Nova Scotia by far the most international. FYI, #1,2 and 5 are OCBC, Svenska Handelsbanken, and DBS.