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Texas and electricity

 What is it with Texas and electricity every few weeks it’s either too hot or too cold. It’s too windy. There’s always a reason why the utility double triples or even quintuples electric rates when electricity is required.

All this indicates is a Texas as a shortage of energy either it has insufficient gas powered station or insufficient, solar or insufficient coal power stations. The reality of energy is that if your basin of providers is small, a small variance from the norm, any shape or form, will lead to dramatic increase in cost of production. 

Acquaintances, who live near Houston tell me that they had planned for their solar panels and battery to be reimbursed fully by lower energy cost in less than five years. In actuality, it took less than one, whereas their neighbours were seeing monthly bills of a few thousand dollars this was not their experience since they made very little demand on the grid.

At the same time they were receiving tremendous amount of pressure from the HOA to remove their solar panels because they were deem unsightly. It had nothing to do with what the panels looks like and more to do with a HOA administration that was anti-green energy, however now all their neighbours are installing solar panels and batteries because they know that again next winter or next summer rates will go through the roof and they can within a few days fully recover the cost of those systems again this is a rich white people problem. The reality is they can afford to spend 20 or $30,000 on a new energy system without really thinking about it because they can afford it , they have the space on the roof and they have the ability to manage their expenses 

The most amazing thing for my friends is that their solar panel installation was done because they were attractive financial incentive a few years ago from their public utility to install solar panels on the roof and last Christmas their son gave them a power wall so that they could completely disconnect from the grid when there’s a power failure, and all seem very innocuous to them when this was done, but they didn’t realize the full implication for them, my friend showed me that the public utility had shown that it would take between five and seven years for the cost of the panels to be fully reimbursed because of lower daily utility cost their utility cost would go from $500 a month to less than $50 a month because they could sell back the power to the utility  with the utility did not know is that in the winter the entire heating system was electric including the hot water, and hence their desire to install batteries, ensure that at no time with the failure of the power grid factor in the supply of energy it is a poorly understood fact that when a grid fails, any energy system  will also shut down so as to not injure workers trying to repair the electrical systems. The one protection is installation of a battery that can disconnect from the grid power when none is provided by the utility and allow the system to continue operating even during a power failure  for my friend this summer with the intense heat they were able to leave the air conditioning on all day, long in the house, cooling down the entire building so that night they could’ve shut down most of the air conditioning and still be comfortable and not incur huge costs from the grid and the battery help them keep one or two units on during the night  at the same time, the water system was fully heated during the day when there was tons of excess energy available from their panels. In the winter, the heating was not affected by the grid wide failures due to freezing main lines for the gas supply again. It was a question of having power or not having power, but more importantly, the summer, the astronomical increase in electricity rates has meant that and the space for four months they have fully pay their entire set up not seven years four months.

The reality of the United States in Texas in particular is the mistress of greater systems has led to the failure of smaller systems, and Texas peregrine is a Casin Part every few months the governor of Texas will say that this is a one and 100 year event that will not repeat in the following year or even the next hundred years when in fact, it occurs every single year, if not twice a year Lack of planning and desire to keep rates low has allowed the system to deteriorate, or to be not robust enough in the harshest environments.

What people don’t realize is that Texas is probably the Best Pl., United States, in which to install solar panels and wind farms. It is the ideal place in the continental United States, and someone saying the entirety of North America for the installation of solar panels. I can optimize their cost benefit and yet. It is a state governed by Republicans, who are generally anti green energy, who are pro Coal pro nuclear


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