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at least his movie reference are more recent

 for a while on the campaign Trail, Donald Trump kept on referring to Hannibal Lecter, the character in the movie silence of the lamb as a real person. Over the past few days he’s now being referencing the movie the purge which is a 2012 movie where basically the world goes to hell, the very least Donald Trump’s movie reference are getting more in the millennial zone instead of the baby boomer zone. 

What is fascinating is that it seems a campaign is not even trying anymore to rain in his more wild and crazy opinions. The man talks about flies in the middle of speech and no one finds that strange.

The unhinged and incoherent message out of Trump would be on the front page of every newspaper if it had been uttered by Joe Biden, and yet no one pays attention to the orange one.

The truth for most of the media is that Trump is his own worst enemy, and they see no reason of discouraging his crazy talk even this week. He was furious at Fox News for airing the speech by Kamala Harris, who is still the vice president of the United States and who still speaks for the nation and it’s federal government, the way he talked about Fox News. They should be arrested for speech. The reality is Donald Trump is his own worst enemy with independent voters and these are the only ones that count member of the GOP will vote for him whatever he says they will vote for any crazy person as long as he’s a Republican , you are irrelevant their sentiment towards Donald Trump are irrelevant their realities irrelevant to the Republican Party or the Democrats they will not be shifted. They will not change. They just don’t care. 

Independent voters care. Independent voters are an independent voters. Do not like what they are hearing even two days ago Donald Trump started talking how the police should be able to basically attack anyone just for a day I swear to God straight out of the movie, the purge.

there still 40 days before the elections the road to victory for the Democrats is evident let Donald be Donald. He is by far their biggest weapon against him. It is clear that those who are running Donald Trump‘s campaign. I’ve given up raining him in now they’re just trying to limit the damage, a lot of Republican, who will not consider voting for Donald Trump will simply not vote. They won’t go to the ballot box. They won’t send mail in votes. They will just stay home because they will never vote for Kamala Harris and they cannot bring themselves to vote for Donald Trump so they abstain . 


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