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Fox "News"

It is amazing what legal discovery can achieve!  I mean in the case of the lawsuit between Fox News and the voting machines companies, it is all there, so much so that the lawyers for Dominion, one of the voting machine company, has asked for summary judgment, without going to court because the evidence is so overwhelming.  Every single talking head from Fox knew that the election fraud was false, they knew it was BS and told, in private text and email, that every guest that mentioned "proof" of voter fraud was a flake, and in fact over the past two years, it has been shown that every single case of electoral fraud has been perpetrated by GOP supporters.

So Fox is almost certain to be found guilty and will have to pay the $1.6 billion, but it gets worse because there are two voting machine companies so the total bill for Fox may be in the range of $3.0 billion.  That's just money.  Now think of the ridicule, even if you don't care about the news (and most Americans don't) a good egg-in-your-face scandal is always appreciated.  It makes them look foolish and weak.

More importantly, what does it say about Newsmax and OANN who have been even more extreme than Fox in talking about voter fraud and other bits and pieces?  What even the most ardent pro-Trump supporter will understand is that the people they respected lied to them, sure they gave them a "safe space", but from now on, every time some blowhard mentioned something from Fox news the rebuttal will always be "they lie about everything, knowingly admit it"

So next time Uncle Fred talks about what he's heard on Fox the reply is always going to be, "hey they lie so much that they paid two companies $ 3 billion for their lies, I don't believe anything they say" end of discussion.  

BTW no one sued Newsmax or OANN because they are broke -- Comcast will probably now have an argument for reclassifying Fox from its cable service with these lawsuits -- "they are not a news channel, purely entertainment"

Finally, they've even found emails from Rupurt Murchoch stating that the role of Fox news in 2016 was to support the GOP...I mean how can you be "fair and balanced" when the CEO tells you that your job is to support the GOP against the democrats.

I have no idea how these cases will affect FOX's broadcasting of the 2024 elections or even the GOP.  Lachlan Murdoch's son has two choices (a) stay the course and hope no one notices, (b) re-invent the network.  If I were a betting man, I would guess he will go for "a" and hope that the great American electorate will forget these lawsuits -- as a concoction by the twisted left leaning courts.  That would be my bet.  After all, the GOP keeps on supporting George Santos...this is a man who has lied about EVERYTHING, and the GOP still supports him


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