Michael Lewis is a contemporary of mine (no joke didn't know him but he did his MA in Economics at the LSE at the same time I did). Granted he did much better than I, and is a man of conviction. ML started in Salomon Brother's bond sales desk in the early 1980s -- Although the world believes that Salomon was a investment bank (it was in some small scale) where it dominated was in the bond market. In fact, long after ML left the bank it was convicted of cornering the US gov't short term bond market -- it takes some massively large brass balls to try that (even in the 1980s). Salomon Brothers was the biggest bond house on Wall Street. Anyway, ML wrote his first book: Liar's Poker that was a cautionary tail as to what banks actually did -- the amazing thing (and it shows the level of depravity of young bankers) was that future bankers used the book as a "how to get into banking manual". ML wrote a number of other great books (Blind Side, Money Ball, Th...
Life of a Norfolk farmer