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Unrelated and interesting

1.  Rumors are that France's 2019 budget deficit may be higher than Italy's planned budget deficit -- of which the EU said this is unacceptable.  Next game of chicken

2.  Russia just sent a large number of nuclear-capable long-range bombers to Venezuela....I'm sure that Trump will like that

3.  China arrests Canadian ex-diplomat in what appears to be a "tit for tat" move against the arrest of Huawei's CFO

4. Brexit vote delayed -- cause May doesn't have the vote and a rejection of her plan would almost certainly lead to elections (and possibly a new referendum).  A game of chicken is being played between May and the parliament:  "Back me or we have a hard Brexit"

5.  Trump's position is getting very uncomfortable.  It appears now that the Russia discussions were not only over an 18 month period but involved a large number of players -- on both sides.  This was not a single meeting and a single conversation, but

6.  As long as the GOP believes that their 2020 election prospects remain acceptable they will back Trump, if they feel they are losing they will drop him and vote for impeachment (or at least force him to resign)

7.  US government shutdown may occur because Trump wants his wall at "any cost".  Will try to blame the Democrats -- who buy the way are still in Minority in Congress (until January)!!!

8.  While America (at least the Federal Government & Trump) are looking at cutting basic research funding, China is increasing its overall fundamental research funding...what do you think the impact of that will be over the medium/long term.


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