The only reason that counts: Robinhood ran out of collateral for GME and AMC and other high vol names. Those who bitch about this just don't understand how markets operate (or care for that matter) First principle: Wall street, like the casino of Vegas, never loses! Second Principle: Pigs always end at the slaughter Looking at Gamestop (GME) you know it's a bubble, trend following this kind of volatility (750%) tells you the stock can go to zero as it can go to $900. Fundamental of the company at $10.00 showed the company possibly undervalued but a price of $360. Well, that's just a mania. A few months ago, Hertz (which was in chapter 11) tried to do a new share issue -- prior to the reorg. You knew that ANY investor that bought these shares (maybe cheap) was 100% certain of getting wiped-out. The SEC shut it down despite a huge appetite for the issuance. What is also important is that the daily traded volume of the shares is equal to the ...
Life of a Norfolk farmer