The most amazing outcome of the arrival of Biden was his 17 decree which he signed within the first hour of being in the White House; at the stroke of a pen, Biden basically canceled all of Trumps' own "legislative successes" and he did because Trump never bothered to seek new laws to support his strategies -- a sharpie and a photo were enough for him. So By 5 PM on January 20th all but Trump's tax cuts were reversed -- every single one (oh yeah the Space Force still exits -- and I thought it was just a Netflix joke starring Steve Carrell). It turns out that Biden issued 30 decrees overturning 99% of Trump's "legislative effort"
In four years, Trump was not able to kill the ACA (he tried via the courts but even that was half-hearted efforts). It goes to show if you want to get it done for good you've got to spend the energy and the time. Trump's interest in the legislative was near zero
P.S. I'm sure that some of the crazies on the right will soon be saying that Trump was a Democrat plant -- part of a false flag event to discredit the GOP --- wait for it!