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The Tories' error -- shifting to the left

Let's be honest, the Tories are done for the next few years.  Give Labour a decade to screw things up.   The party needs to move away from the post-Brexit conversation.   The deal is done, and the damage is obvious to everyone.   So it is time (ok maybe after the election) for the party to rethink what it means to be a Tory and what it means to be British.

The British empire ended definitely in Egypt when the Americans told us to stay away in 1967.   We were told clearly that our interference was not desired.   We were no longer the bosses -- although we knew it, it was the first time when it was stated so obviously.

So what are Tory values, the great privatization of Maggie Thatcher was somewhat successful.  Out of it we got an electricity company that actually did its job, the same for natural gas and railways, although that last one took a very long time.  Still private capital decided how the economy would function,   The only group remaining is the postal service, and in this day and age, one wonders for how long it will remain viable.    

First, the Tories believe in law and order (at least they did for a while), then an open and liberal economy and a good education and health care system.   Both education and health care are incredible successes.    There is no good reasons to have public healthcare, but in the UK it works.   Something the Tories should support, both in access and outcome the UK has the best scorecard in the OCDE.   Education has remained a profession largely unchanged for 80 years.   It seems foolish to do the same thing your great-grandparents did today.   At the top, fewer massive lectures would seem to be a good idea, in the age of Youtube.   Children love computers first because they provide incentives (often devised by psychologists) but also non-judgment.   Reducing the burden on teachers and making their work more interesting, seems to be a good objective, yet all the other parties remain stuck in their 19th century thinking.

It would seem to me that there are plenty of areas where the Tories could inject a breath of fresh air into the conversation (obviously not right now).  However, one thing they should not do is pivot to the left.   The area is already overcrowded with Labour and the Liberals.   The right place to attack is to the right, and not to the left, deny oxygen to the Reform Party.   

Why this activity, the government's recent announcement seems to be trying to pander to the lefties...a waste of time and energy, they will never vote Conservative


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