First, the problem with Bud Light transcends the "war" the right has waged and seems won against bud light. In a purely created game of "wack-a-mole" by the GOP, let's be clear until the GOP made a huge fuss about a small commercial about a Transgender person that liked Bud Light (which is the real problem), the whole thing was a non-issue.
Of course, these types of social wars always degenerate. Look at the "woke" movement to remove statues of long-dead men about things that are now seen as "politically incorrect", judging the world of the 19th century with the rose-tinted glasses of poorly understood modern history. The attempted killing of Bud Light gave some imbeciles some ideas that it should continue its war with America since for them anything that detracts from its abortion stance or its support for Donald Trump is a good thing. In a sense, the outrage movement of the left has been adopted by the right. In a sad, but predictable fashion. The tools of my enemy are the tools of my future.
First, let's be clear, Bud light (which is a "near beer") mismanaged the whole commercial thing, by trying to apologize for having a message of inclusion. They emboldened their detractors and disgusted their supporters. In a nutshell, the culture warrior sharks saw blood in the water and double down, while the emo-sensitive left saw another "mean corporation". In fact, InBev, the owner of Budweiser, is guilty of neither; Budweiser is a weak brand that sells tasteless colored water to Americans, that little if any courage and instead of standing up to the bullies chose to fold.
As is apparent to the readers I would suggest a cold glass of water, but that's just me!
The funny bit is that now these same reactionary groups are going after Chick-fil-A a chicken sandwich joint popular in the US, but that doesn't exist in Canada, famously known for its Christian view of the world, it is Chick that went to the supreme court to have the right to not provide women's healthcare as part of its employment package. Now, Chick has appointed a diversification VP, basically someone in charge to ensure that the brand stays reasonably on message and uncontroversial...but of course, like the woke movement that went after every statue in the land because of some socially unacceptable position they held in the 18th and 19th century those on the right attack everything and anything, and are now considering boycotting Chick.
Now, like all these movements they eventually die of boredom. It is not so much conviction that drives these cultural warriors (on the right as on the left), it is greed and boredom. The movement to remove statues has more or less died off, the same will occur with this bunch, as soon as their leaders have found a way to monetize and get out of the movement.
What will Chick do? My guess is that like Bud they will fire the person towards who the social wrath is directed, he/she will quickly find a new job and be fine. Chick will lick its wounds and hire another diversity VP, but will call him/her something different... because let's be clear the outrage is skin deep, if that, it will die its natural death in a few months. The damage to Bud may be permanent, they really mismanaged the brand and its message, and no one ever wins at appeasing the bullies, but then maybe America realized that Bud Light was really tasteless fizzy water...