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Afghanistan, Iraq and Russia

 It is truly breathtaking when one considers that America spent hundreds if not thousands of billions of dollars in Afghanistan Iraq with literally nothing to show for it and then spent less than $20 billion and supporting Ukraine that has led to near civil war in Russia. it is hard to even conceive that a country such as Russia could be destabilized by so little and so quickly. Last weekends, strange coup attempt against Putin the ousting of two senior ministers, and the ending of the Wagner group tells you almost everything you need to know about how weak the state really is.

Right now it is unclear how Ukrainian will take advantage of the situation, but what is clear is that two of the most effective fighting forces against Ukraine have left the theatre of war. Wagner has collapsed, and one presumed that these it’s soldiers, mostly army  veterans will go home, since it is unlikely that they have any appetite for re-joining the army. 

As for the Chechen forces that went out to support Putin they will require tribute for their support to the regime. In fact, it is rather surprising that the Chechen we’re there for Putin, but such as life.

The fallout from the events of the past three weeks is certain to be substantial, and probably almost impossible to fully understand today, since so many of the players are either lying, or their actions are being miss reported.

One thing for sure, for very little money, America purchased the destruction of Russia as an effective force in the world. I don’t think anyone expected this outcome, the disappearance of the Wagner group from Africa parts of the Middle East, and even South America is certain to have long-term impact on global relationships. I suspect with the rest of the world, fails to understand, is that America doesn’t care. It won’t care for a very long time. America no longer needs the rest of the world with the effective destruction of Russia as a political force America can return to its own border, and forget what the rest of the planet is doing with very little consequences. 

It is kind of funny that Saudi, Iraqi, Iranian, or other Middle Eastern protester wanted America gone, they’ve got it and now they have to face the consequence of dealing with their enemies themselves only a cretin would not understand that war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is it almost certainty on the next 20 years There is simply no way these two massive regional powers will let the other succeed.  The acceleration of the departure of the Americans from the rest of the world is almost unbelievable, the retreat by the American is complete and not driven by any other factor than they are not interested. America is food and energy independent, it does not require outside trade when you consider that within the North American only 3% of America’s GDP is affected by global trade far less than almost anyone else in the world and this trend is accelerating as on shoring activities is  Increasing at a rapid pace. 

In 2002, America entered into two unnecessary wars in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and Iraq. They lost goodwill, and they lost a lot of money and have almost no upside to show for all their expenses. in 2021, America began arming Ukrainian seriously with the view that eventually Russia with attack again, in this case, Americas total spending on the Ukrainian war totals less than $20 billion a drop in the bucket that’s all it is even if it was $200 billion it would be a drop in the bucket of expenditure that America has made in Iraq and Afghanistan and where is these words were unsuccessful it is evident today that they complete the stabilization of Russia and its international interest  is at hand 

So little money so little time so much success the Ukrainian strategy will reverberate in America military strategy: it was cheap. It was effective and it was quick. It was also a good cause I like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan’s.

In summary, we are seeing a global shift on how the Americans will behave and how the Russians will be as a force going forward. It should also be a massive warning to the Chinese. 


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