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Understanding your roots

 The DNA of the Quebec independence movement is tied to its pro-Mussolini (eg read Catholic) tendencies.  It’s not overriding and it occurs in the 1940s and is also based on the habits that the English speaking officers had of sending their French Canadian troops as cannon fodder!  Think Blackadder goes fourth as a reference.

This is important when considering why the GOP has such a love for Putin, this is not a new thing, they loved Philippine dictators as they did for Chile’s.  More importantly this is not a new thing, because for rich Americans Putin is an ok guy.  He respects private property and is not anti-religious.  

Of course the other brand of Conservatives (neocons) are the forth leg of a three legged stool that is the GOP. So what are the three legs of the GOP stool (as defined by Reagan): bible thumpers, the fasists and business.   Bible thumpers are in trouble as young Christian’s disagrees more and more with their elders and leave organized religion (from 75% to 42% in two decades), business has gone too, sure the billionaire are still there, but in general business people see the GOP message as toxic to their business, which usually seeks inclusion and not exclusion) so as a whole the first leg of the stool is dying off, the second fasist one is as strong as ever and the third has walk out. The neocons were always outsiders on the fringes.

That explains Carlson you who used nazi terminology to refer to the President of Ukrainian (rat looking).  The GOP loves this stuff because like Carlson they are pro Putin.   It also allows them to use pro-white language with the support and delight of their supporters.

What it means is the like the Quebec nationalist movement, it is hard to deny your roots and your fundamental truth.  In Quebec, we underreport the number of migrants that is now north of 60,000 per annum, very close to what Ontario reports as ground breaking in terms of openness.  We lie about it because our people cannot handle the truth, that Quebec needs that Greg blood to thrive and support its native, but aging, sons.

For the GOP it remains the party of the dictators who they admire because they promote their tribe at the expense of others.  That’s always been the GOP mantra, it is unchanged from the early part of the early 20th century.


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