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Pakistan and DeSantis

 The creation of Pakistan in 1971 was driven by the Muslim minority of India, not wanting to be subsumed by the Hindu majority of the country. It was always about religion, and today Pakistan find itself at a strange crossroad. What is evident is that a country based on religion and an innate ability to antagonize all its neighbors, find itself in a position where it is virtually bankrupt Even more worrisome is it’s dependency on China which has taken control of large slots of the country. 

Pakistan has always push the narrative that India was looking to take over Pakistan, when in fact, India was one of the most ardent supporter of the creation of Bangladesh, or ans it used to be called East Pakistan.

What is the relationship then between Pakistan and Ron DeSantis both work under the illusion that people want to take something away from them. In the case of DeSantis, his strange vision is driven by a cult of personality with one a different, which is himself where the two compare is their vision of the world that doesn’t match wish the reality of the world and people are really beginning to notice in both instances. 

In the case of DeSantis, his anti-immigrant, anti-woke anti-anything that is not a white dude is based on the perception of the world that largely does not exist even in Florida. In the case of Pakistan, it is driven by a concept of Islam that has never even existed and it’s in the country itself, in fact, Pakistan is a case of two Islamic philosophies and not the one true word of God as the government of Pakistan as often state. in addition, Pakistan ability to snatch failure from the jaws of success is well documented.  Wrong conclusion, wrong actions worse outcome for Pakistan.

So why the comparison between Pakistan and DeSantis well, in both cases, it is leading to failure. In the case of Pakistan Crushing foreign debt a military dictatorship that is out of control and unsuccessful, in the case of DeSantis, dismal popular support for his platform, which are in fact Exaggeration of the platform, the GOP in general.

The difference between DeSantis and Donald Trump is that DeSantis comes across as a mean mean man Trump come across as a well-meaning, befuddled, older dude that you would be fun to share a drink in a bar.

Both Pakistan and DeSantis suffer from prickly personalities; in the case of Pakistan, they hate all their neighbors, and assumes that everyone wants them to fail, and in the case of DeSantis, his desperate attempt to out Trump Trump, when, in fact, all he shows is the fundamental meanness of the GOP. It may seem strange to compare the two, but they both face exactly the same lack of understanding of those that surround them. You only have to travel to Pakistan a few times to realize that this is a delusional society, and it has always been delusional from his very foundation I thought it was some thing that it whenever really was and assume others wanted it harm when in fact, its neighbours were largely indifferent. 

In the case of Ron DeSantis , he has struck at windmills that were entirely within his imagination. His attack on Disney is a case in point as this is perpetual fight against LGBTQ. those who know DeSantis say that he’s a very smart, focussed and driven man, but he is also surrounded by his own personal demons.  Attacking Disney has the support of no one it is mean, and it was stupid in addition, very much like Pakistan to make believe that things were worse for the other side than it were when it was evident, as in the case for Disney but things were not as bad, or even sometimes were very, very good. 

So what is the implication of all this, and a case of Pakistan a vast populous country is on the edge of economical and political precipice of failed state status. in the case of Ron DeSantis we are seeing plunging approval ratings among GOP primary voters. He now stands 29 points behind Donald Trump, and despite his aggressive stance on all social issues he’s losing the fight for the GOP presidential nomination.


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