First, I didn't watch the show! It was 3 in the morning here, but I did see the highlights. Three things to remember (1) The bar for Biden was low, (2) Trump lies all the time, and (3) Well that is really the choice America has. Biden's only had to prove that he was alive and well, and he failed the second part of that. He sounded confused and not entirely there. This was not a good performance where the expectations were already low. Trump either has no understanding of facts or just doesn't care (I suspect the latter). The only topic he is really interested in discussing was the border. Finally, these two men are the options that America has for the next president. Democrats are always quick in dismissing their candidates, while the GOP cannot rid itself of Trump if it wanted. However, last night was more of a Biden fail than a Trump win. In 90 minutes, Biden has proven every single w...
Life of a Norfolk farmer