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Assholes and critics

 So I was reading about something called Clarkson's Farm, an Amazon Prime series based on the travail of Jeremy Clarkson who purchased several years ago 1,000 acres farm in the Cotswold.  It came to my attention by coincidence because someone had defaced a sign to his Farm store in a way that was crude.  It is evident that Clackson is not liked in the village where he and his girlfriend live.

It seems that the council continues to thwart Clarkson's attempt at making his farm a profitable enterprise.  Go figure, it also seems that many villages (from what I read and it could be BS too) think that failure is the best thing that could happen -- that I can believe after the Brits love failure!  It's a thing, like a badge of honor to them.  Never really trying and if it failed, "its all right old boy..."

Anyway, I was reading about Clarkson's difficulties with the local council (don't forget he operates his 1,000 acres farm) with regard to his new on-site restaurant.  Again people were curious, the chef is/was well-known and very capable, so many people decided to go and see her.  In the same way, they went to see Clackson's farm store that seems to sell (mostly) local goods (although I don't think Avocado are native to the UK), anyway, the reviewer from a web magazine called the A.V. Club (which to me sounds like something out of high school nerd culture) start his article about Clackson's apparently very popular TV series as "being an asshole"  that's the first line of the review.  Now maybe Clackson is an asshole -- although the presenter makes a point of stating that he's never actually met Clackson and that everything he knows about the man is second or third-hand.

Still, this reviewer, and it's hard to think much of him, states (yesterday) that the show is so bad (it's already had two seasons), that no one wants to watch it...of course, he (it is a dude) probably wrote this a few weeks ago, because on Monday the show was renewed for a third season (apparently).

The nicest comment I saw in the press about the show is it shows how hard it is to be a farmer (bumbling or not).  It's funny and surprisingly respectful of the people working the land (the unseen and unspoke council members, not so much). 

finally, looking at the body of work of this reviewer it seems that put down is his "stick" again the first thing that comes to my mind is the juvenile view of the world often associated with teenage fitting that he writes for the A.V. Club


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