Donald Trump's newest and read-out-loud in-court nickname is the Orange Turd. He is now known as the Orange Turd in the press. I kind of feel sorry for Donald Trump, in a sense it is 100% self-inflicted and today was a low point. Stormy Daniels the porn star started her third day on the stand because Trump has decided to deny that the encounter ever occurred. In many instances, Trump denied even knowing her. So we have the terrible situation where the defence counsel starts reading tweets that Ms. Daniels wrote and one of the tweets was to not only qualify Donald Trump as an Orang Turd but also say that if she had written a sex scenario involving Donald Trump she would have written something much better than that (she directed more than 150 sex movies).
Overall, it was another disastrous day for Donald, the orange turd Trump. On the bright side it's almost over another two or three weeks is all that will be required. Also, let's be clear, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that Trump had sex, willing or otherwise, with Ms Daniels that he tried to use his The Apprentice show to get her into bed a second time.
Everyone around the world knows now that The Orange Turd is a lousy lover. How much fun must that be for Trump to listen to that day in and day out? BTW he could have avoided all this because the entire defence was that the encounter never happened (despite many people saying that it did...)
America, what a country (sarcasm intended!)
Note: So far from what I have followed the Prosecution has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump knew about the payments to Ms Daniels. However, they have been very skillful at weaving a convincing story, and everyone expects more revelations about Trump. The most depressing aspect of this trial is that Trump the man who did nothing for four years in the White House but to give tax cuts to his rich buddies is still nose to nose with Biden.
Note2: The reason the trial is going into such minutia is that Trump denies everything He even denies writing his own book. In criminal matters the defence can agree to certain facts, yes the gentleman was married to the murder victim and the defendend owned a Red Honda. Trump refuses to even certify even basic facts about his life.