This morning six lorries left loaded with fruits and vegetables, and two of meat. Aside from David, everyone is back in the saddle. Jennifer borrowed a mechanic from the Case maintenance garage until David is back in the saddle. We were always planning to have a few Case guys in our maintenance shop because some repairs have to be done by Case-certified technicians. It would be nice to be able to repair everything ourselves, in reality, David is already overworked (hence the accident before Christmas). Case took away the PTO transmission that David removed and will fix it at their facility. They were seriously concerned that so many bolts had seized, this should not have happened, two Case technicians checked our other 7220 tractor (same make and year from Case), and their bolts were also seized. Jennifer told me that it took them three hours to remove the bolts on the other tractor, they replaced them and took the old bolts away to be analyzed.
We checked all our refrigeration and freezer units, and we agreed that we would build another two freezers in the warehouse. We are running out of space, despite the wholesalers taking two loads of meat this morning. I will have to talk to our neighbours about then removing their meat stock from our storage, that's not something Jennifer can do yet, since she's not been introduced yet. One big advantage is that Jennifer is a local, but she's not yet considered "management".
Aside from that my wife and I were contemplating how quiet the house was last night. Now that everyone has gone home. My wife is extraordinary, we know a few owners of local stately homes, and my wife made some discrete calls yesterday, when I came home at lunch today my office was furnished. She found the perfect rugs, two chairs and a sofa, no lamps, aside from a desk lamp we had lying about. She told me that my new computer would be delivered today or tomorrow, she talked to Jennifer who gave her the make and model in the office and ordered the same.
The sofa, chairs and rugs are on loan until we can find something fom local auction houses. As my wife said, she had located everything she needed in 20 minutes, and two of our farm hands took our lorry out to gather the furniture and set it up a surprise.