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Biden Out

 By now the world knows that Joe Biden had decided not to run as president for the November 2024 elections.   This is almost a "movie-worthy" outcome.   The assumption was that he would stick it out, probably lose and Trump would be president for at least four more years...

The Democrats have a problem because they have a few weeks to find acceptable replacements. Obviously, Kamila Harris will put her hat in the ring, but this will certainly be one of the most riveting modern political conventions for over half a century.   It is a risk, but also a huge opportunity to shine a line on the Democratic Party's electoral platform, and the success of the Biden term.

Donal Trump's strategy of looking young and spry when compared to Biden is now out of the window.   The GOP is now running against "Candidate to be named later" which means that for the next three weeks, the GOP has to run for something, its platformer, its ideas, and some are rather "special".

Although it will be tough for the Democrats, the strategist at the GOP are screwed (it doesn't help that the only people around now are Trump sycophants).  

Anyway, the 2024 US election is getting interesting!


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