Senator Vance like all human beings is a complex person. He wrote a powerful book that was even turned into an excellent movie. His "memoir" Hillbilly Elegy talks about a man who grew up in some level of poverty -- not exactly true, but then who cares, it was still an excellent book.
Being the running mate of Donald Trump cannot be easy, first and foremost President Trump is nuts and lazy. It has been reported from several sources that one of his ideas was to create a 2,000-mile moat between Mexico and the US and fill it with snakes and crocodiles -- -not kidding here! The bleach against Covid, there was a lot. Not only has been proven to be ignorant he is also famous for doing absolutely nothing.
Senator Vance brought two things to the ticket Ohio (a swing state) and youth. He is not 40 yet. He was a great "anti-age" foil against Biden and to an extent Trump who is not a young man either, at 78.
However, part of the problem is that Senator Vance likes to go off script, and what he says is pretty nuts too. Granted he's an amateur when compared to Trump who keeps on Talking about Hannibal Lecter as if he was a real person ( He was a character in a 1991 movie, 32 years ago.). The press and the public forgive Trump (only God knows why), but not Senator Vance.
So now Vance gives nothing to Trump, he's no foil against Harris on age (59) and she is doing very well in Ohio. Trump is wondering if he can ditch the man (yes he can!). The GOP has a habit of choosing strange people as Vice President (Dan Quayle 88, Sarah Palin in 09), still, it could be worse...
Note: There are ways for JD Vance to leave the show! It's not really possible for Trump to kick him out. At least until August 8th (it's a thing). After that, only death will separate the campaign from JD. Until the Democratic convention it's more or less possible (but difficult), The problem is that Trump is neck and neck with Harris, the last thing he will do is make things worse.