The last big construction job in the apartment started on Monday, the installation of the floor. We were initially thinking of re-using the old floor boards, but what remains is in poor shape and insufficient, so we made the decision to install new flooring throughout the apartment. After the flooring is installed the last step will be painting the entire space. Everything should be ready by June 1st. So we are meeting our newest deadline.
As for the daycare, things are progressing quickly as our contractor switches labour from the apartment to the daycare centre. It is getting more difficult now because the apartment is virtually done (flooring and paint are different contractors). the challenge is that the daycare is a commercial building, it must meet commercial standards. The kitchen and bathrooms are perfect examples. Still, with between 6-8 staff the requirements are justifiable, especially since we make three meals a day, breakfast, tea, and lunch for the children. Yes, it's prepared with ingredients from the farm and by the parents but commercial standards have to be met. The biggest challenge is scheduling inspections, which has proven challenging. We never had the same level of inspection for our other buildings, but then again, this is the only building that caters to young children.
It is actually wonderful, we have parents who come almost every day to see the progress. It was the right move in the end. Finally, everyone is happy with the arrangement.
In other news, the place is finally drying up a little it still rains every week, but it's not as intense, and the soil is no longer waterlogged. It's still cold, we are starting the spring farm task that we normally do in February. On the bright side, the equipment is ready to go and in perfect working order, but this is now a 1,200 acres farm. Any task can take days of work.