Two months ago it was a demonstration about oil consumption, right now it's boycotts of Starbucks because they sell coffee in Israel, every day it's pro-Palestinian rallies for peace, whatever that may mean. There is always one single cause that makes people enraged and "go nuclear". As for the killing of Palestinians yes it's terrible, but why just now, were their lives much better before. How about other recent mass killings, why don't they get their demonstration, Pakistan, Yemen, Burma, Cha, Ethiopia, and Nigeria just to name the top of the hit parade. Because we don't really care, at the end of the day we want to protest against "the Man" whatever he/she may be that week.
The reason the Americans are not charging into Gaza is twofold, (1) Israel is united on this war the attacks have to stop permanently, also Gaza started it! (2) What is the solution, a return to the Status Quo, that America stops supporting Israel? Because the implications of that action are far-reaching consequences that are well outside the Gaza-Israel conflict. For most demonstrators these issues don't matter, they just want peace. Well I hate Prison, and I think people should not be in prison, they should all be free because prisons are terrible...we should free all prisoners. Does that sound reasonable?
The attractive feature of single-mindedness is that you can ignore all other variables and only address one issue, and when I say address is more like a child's tantrum, you don't know what you want just not what you've got. All these demonstrators forget that there is a 20-kilometer-long border between Gaza and Egypt, I've not seen a single banner that says Egypt should do something, mainly because 100% of these demonstrators have no idea where Gaza is, or what it's like. The reality is that Egypt wants nothing to do with the Palestinians, and has closed the border. That food could have gone through Egypt but they are not interested, instead, the Americans will build a floating that's a perfect target for Hamas!
Readers you are smart, draw your own conclusions!