90% of the time I drive my 1972 Land Rover. It is not an electric vehicle, in fact, most of our employees would say it is almost not a vehicle, although it does go place where only UTV/ATV dare to go...
Over the past few months, there has been the narrative about electric cars, and how the demand was falling. For my amusement, I looked at the stats. Obviously, all serious data is American, as usual.
Telsa accounts for about 65% of all-electric vehicle sales in 2023, 260,000, 230,000, 40,000 and 35,000 for Models Y, 3, S, and X respectively. Total Tesla sales were 755,000 in 2023. The rest of the field (Hyundai/Ford/BMW/Nissan/Volvo/ Rivian etc) accounted for about 450,000 units. In 2023 total electric vehicle sales were 1.2 million units. In 2022 total sales of electric vehicles in the US were 918,000. The increase is about 30%, so the question is why are car journalists talking about the failure of the electric automobile when it is clearly the fastest-growing segment of the US vehicle demand.
the key is availability. It used to take 6 months to get an electrical vehicle, but now it can be days. In 2021, there were three manufacturers today every single brand carries electric vehicles.
That's the difference, those buying electric cars are no longer driven by exclusivity. It is now just another mode of transport.
Note: I want to be clear, this morning for the sake of realism I called the Lexus dealer in Norwich, to see what was their inventory of electric vehicles. As of today, they had none, but the deal to whom I spoke told me that they could get a Gray one with a tan interior an LX 450e at the dealership Tomorrow or Monday if I was interested. There are at least two dozen available in the UK right now! I also checked on the web for a Tesla and the delivery time is between 2 and 3 weeks (for a 3 or a Y, they no longer make the S or the X in right hand drive)